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Finding your Dose/Instructions

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How to Use?

  • How to use:

    Oils: Hold under tongue for 3-5 minutes, the longer the better
    Topicals: Rub on affected area as much or as often as needed
    Edibles: Eat and enjoy

    Starting Dose:

    A Starting Dose (2 drops per dose for 4-5 days) is what we recommend for first time clients or those not familiar with CBD products. This low dose will get your Endocannabinoid System turned on and CB1 and CB2 Receptors working, from here you can build to your personal dose.


    Microdosing is taking a consistent low dose to help with many common ailments such as acne, Epilepsy, Parkinson’s, MS, Alzheimer’s, Crohn’s, Diabetes, IBS, Menopause, Psoriasis or for clients just looking to improve general quality of life.

    Personal dosage adjustment:

    After taking the drops for a few months, your system adjusts and it is normal for you to have to increase. If you are microdosing, it is unlikely you will need to increase. You can add 1 extra drop to your Microdose every 6-12 months.

    How to do a Self-Check

    Thirty minutes after taking your dose, sit and take deep breath. Ask yourself “How is my (reason for taking CBD)?” and increase dosage as needed. Remember: only you know how you are feeling and can decide to increase, decrease, or adjust the time of dosage as necessary.

    Amount of drops per bottle:
    The approximate amount of drops per bottle are
    200 drops / 10ml
    400 drops / 20ml
    600 drops / 30ml

  • Mixing CBD Products

    Most of our clients use:
    Sativa Oil during the day is perfect. Along with all that it treats it does give Energy and Focus.
    Indica Oil at night is perfect also. Along with all that it treats it helps you Relax and Sleep better.

    Why Mix?
    Many clients with Certain Ailments call for Mixing, others prefer to control their Energy or Relaxation during the Daytime and finding your Perfect Mix will make this possible for anyone and everyone.


    • High Anxiety just Sativa maybe too much Focus so reducing the amount of Sativa and adding in a few drops of Indica to find your Personal Balance for Daytime use.
    • Parkinson’s or MS Indica is best but during the day it can make you a little too sleepy, so lowering a few of your Indica drop and adding a few Sativa can help you find Personal Balance for Daytime use.
    • This can work for anyone and doing the Personal Self Checks 30 minutes after taking your New Mixed Dose will help you find the perfect Mix for you.

    How to mix:

    If you normally take for example 4 drops Sativa in morning but would like to feel a bit more relaxed, start off by trying 3 drops Sativa and 1 drop Indica. Everyone is different so you will find Your Mix within a few doses.

    Pets in most cases we suggest either a Mix ½ to ½ of each oil or just Indica. You can read more about our suggested Pet Doses on our Web Page under Pet Dosage Guide.

  • Sativa CBD Oil 10:1

    • Mind Enhancing
    • Best used during the day
    • 2-3 doses per day
    • Last dose before 7pm

    Sativa creates a stimulating and uplifting feeling. It induces creative thinking.
    Helps against Pain and Inflammation, Depression, Mild to Medium Anxiety, ADHD and ADD with increased Focus, Nausea, and Lack of Appetite.
    (PTSD patients should watch closely their reaction with Sativa, as it could also increase paranoia in extreme PTSD cases).
    Please see our Dosage Guide for a list of specific conditions and their suggested dosage.

    Ingredients: Full Spectrum Sativa Extract, Organic Coconut Oil* as the Carrier Oil
    250 mg / 25 mg - 30 ml
    Approx. per Drop: 0.4 mg / 0.04 mg
    *in Winter months a small amount of Organic Olive Oil is mixed with the Coconut Oil, as full Coconut Oil will solidify faster when chilled.

    First time users, begin with a Starting Dose of 2 drops. After a few days increase to 4 or 6 drops per dose OR as needed. You will determine this by doing a Self Check-In. A Regular Dose for Pain and Inflammation is 8-10 drops.

    • Dosage Option 1: morning and late afternoon
    • Dosage Option 2: morning, early afternoon and late afternoon
    • Dosage Option 3: morning, late afternoon, followed by an Indica dose before bed

    From this point, it is mostly about your Self Check-In. Only you know how you are feeling and can decide to increase, decrease, or adjust the time of day as necessary.

    Please see our Dosage Guide for a list of specific conditions and their suggested dosage.

    Remember that natural medicine is all about personal choice, personal dose, personal reactions and personal needs. These are our general suggestions, everyone is different. If you feel great after your morning dose and don’t feel a need for an early afternoon dose, then wait and just take a late afternoon dose.

  • Indica CBD OIl 10:1

    • Mind Relaxing
    • Best at night
    • Dose before bed

    Indica creates a relaxing and comfortable feeling. It induces relaxation and helps with sleep.

    Helps against Pain and Inflammation, Insomnia, Chronic Pain, Anxiety, Depression, Anxiety, PTSD, Muscle Spasms, Epilepsy, Parkinson’s and MS.
    Please see our Dosage Guide for a list of specific conditions and their suggested dosage.

    Ingredients: Full Spectrum Indica Extract, Organic Coconut Oil* as the Carrier Oil
    250 mg / 25 mg - 30 ml
    Approx. per Drop: 0.4 mg / 0.04 mg
    *in Winter months a small amount of Organic Olive Oil is mixed with the Coconut Oil, as full Coconut Oil will solidify faster when chilled.

    First time users, begin with a Starting Dose of 2 drops. After a few nights increase to 4-6 drops per dose OR as needed. You will determine this by doing a Self Check-In. A Regular Dose is 8-10 drops.

    Nighttime Use following your daily Sativa doses or for Users with Sleep problems:

    • Dosage Option 1: 30 minutes before bed
    • Dosage Option 2: 30 minutes before bed and Daytime Microdosing for some patients with MS, Epilepsy, Parkinson’s, PTSD, Migraines and Muscle Spasms (see below)

    Daytime Use for Clients with MS, Epilepsy, Parkinson’s PTSD, Migraines and Muscle Spasms:

    • Days 1-4:
      4 drops at night
    • Day 5:
      2 drops at morning, 4 drops at night (you can stay here or move to the next)
    • Day 7:
      2 drops at morning , 2 drops in the afternoon (4-5pm), 4 drops at night

    From this point, it is mostly about your Self Check-In. Only you know how you are feeling and can decide to increase, decrease, or adjust the time of day as necessary.

    Please see our Dosage Guide for a list of specific conditions and their suggested dosage.

    Remember that natural medicine is all about personal choice, personal dose, personal reactions and personal needs. These are our general suggestions, everyone is different.

  • Sativa CBD Oil 4:1

    • Mind Enhancing
    • Best used during the day
    • 2-3 doses per day
    • Last dose before 7pm

    Sativa creates a stimulating and uplifting feeling. It induces creative thinking.
    Helps against Pain and Inflammation, Migraines, Depression, Mild to Medium Anxiety, ADHD and ADD with increased Focus, Nausea, and Lack of Appetite. Clients with Cancer or going through Cancer Therapies can begin with our Sativa 4:1 and transition if necessary to our Sativa 1:1 once adjusted to alieve the effects of treatments and aid in the killing of Cancer Cells. (PTSD patients should watch closely their reaction with Sativa, as it could also increase paranoia in extreme PTSD cases). Please see our Dosage Guide for a list of specific conditions and their suggested dosage.

    Ingredients: Full Spectrum Sativa Extract, Organic Coconut Oil* as the Carrier Oil
    500 mg / 125 mg - 30 ml
    Approx. per Drop: 0.8 mg / .0.2 mg
    *in Winter months a small amount of Organic Olive Oil is mixed with the Coconut Oil, as full Coconut Oil will solidify faster when chilled.

    First time users, begin with a Starting Dose of 2 drops. After a few days increase to 4 or 6 drops per dose OR as needed. You will determine this by doing a Self Check-In. A Regular Dose for Pain and Inflammation is 8-10 drops.

    • Dosage Option 1: morning and late afternoon
    • Dosage Option 2: morning, early afternoon and late afternoon
    • Dosage Option 3: morning, late afternoon, followed by an Indica dose before bed

    From this point, it is mostly about your Self-Check. Only you know how you are feeling and can decide to increase, decrease, or adjust the time of day as necessary.

    Please see our Dosage Guide for a list of specific conditions and their suggested dosage.

    Remember that natural medicine is all about personal choice, personal dose, personal reactions and personal needs. These are our general suggestions, everyone is different. If you feel great after your morning dose and don’t feel a need for an early afternoon dose, then wait and just take a late afternoon dose.

  • Indica CBD OIl 4:1

    • Mind Relaxing
    • Best at night
    • Dose before bed

    Indica creates a relaxing and comfortable feeling. It induces relaxation and helps with sleep.
    Helps against Pain and Inflammation, Insomnia, Chronic Pain, Anxiety, Depression, Anxiety, PTSD, Muscle Spasms, Epilepsy, Parkinson’s and MS. Please see our Dosage Guide for a list of specific conditions and their suggested dosage.

    Ingredients: Full Spectrum Indica Extract, Organic Coconut Oil* as the Carrier Oil
    500 mg / 125 mg - 30 ml
    Approx. per Drop: 0.8 mg / 0.2 mg
    *in Winter months a small amount of Organic Olive Oil is mixed with the Coconut Oil, as full Coconut Oil will solidify faster when chilled.

    First time users, begin with a Starting Dose of 2 drops. After a few nights increase to 4-6 drops per dose OR as needed. You will determine this by doing a Self Check-In. A Regular Dose is 8-10 drops.

    Nighttime Use following your daily Indica doses or for Users with Sleep problems:

    • Dosage Option 1: 30 minutes before bed
    • Dosage Option 2: 30 minutes before bed and Daytime Microdosing for some patients with MS, Epilepsy, Parkinson’s, PTSD, Migraines and Muscle Spasms (see below)

    Daytime Use for Clients with MS, Epilepsy, Parkinson’s PTSD, Migraines and Muscle Spasms:

    • Days 1-4:
      4 drops at night
    • Day 5:
      2 drops at morning, 4 drops at night (you can stay here or move to the next)
    • Day 7:
      2 drops at morning , 2 drops in the afternoon (4-5pm), 4 drops at night

    From this point, it is mostly about your Self-Check. Only you know how you are feeling and can decide to increase, decrease, or adjust the time of day as necessary.

    Please see our Dosage Guide for a list of specific conditions and their suggested dosage.

    Remember that natural medicine is all about personal choice, personal dose, personal reactions and personal needs. These are our general suggestions, everyone is different.

  • Sativa CBD OIl 1:1

    • Relief from Chronic Pain / Effects of Cancer Therapies
    • Best used during the day
    • 2-3 doses per day
    • Last dose before 7pm

    This Sativa helps against Chronic Pain and Inflammation. Also with side effects of Cancer, Cancer treatments, Radiation and aids in the killing of Cancer Cells. (PTSD patients should watch closely their reaction with Sativa, as it could also increase paranoia in extreme PTSD cases). Once you have a clean bill of health from your doctor switch to Sativa 4:1 to prevent the growth of new Cancer cells.

    Ingredients: Full Spectrum Sativa Extract, Organic Coconut Oil* as the Carrier Oil
    250 mg / 250 mg - 30 ml
    Approx. per Drop: 0.4 mg / 0.4 mg
    *in Winter months a small amount of Organic Olive Oil is mixed with the Coconut Oil, as full Coconut Oil will solidify faster when chilled.

    First time users, begin with a Starting Dose of 2 drops. After a few days increase to 4 or 6 drops per dose OR as needed. You will determine this by doing a Self-Check. A Regular Dose for Pain and Inflammation is 6-8 drops.

    • Dosage Option 1: morning and late afternoon (Chronic Pain)
    • Dosage Option 2: morning, early afternoon and late afternoon (Cancer & Chronic Pain)
    • Dosage Option 3: morning, late afternoon, followed by an Indica dose before bed (best results for Cancer Therapy Patients and Chronic Pain)

    From this point, it is mostly about your Self-Check. Only you know how you are feeling and can decide to increase, decrease, or adjust the time of day as necessary.

    Please see our Dosage Guide for a list of specific conditions and their suggested dosage.

    Remember that natural medicine is all about personal choice, personal dose, personal reactions and personal needs. These are our general suggestions, everyone is different. If you feel great after your morning dose and don’t feel a need for an early afternoon dose, then wait and just take a late afternoon dose.

  • Indica CBD OIl 1:1

    • Relief from Extreme Insomnia
    • Relief from Chronic Pain / Effects of Cancer Therapies and Deeper Healing Rest
    • Best used at night
    • Use along with the S1:1 (Day Oil) when treating the side effects of Cancer

    This Indica is for Relaxation and Rest. It helps against Insomnia, Chronic Pain and Inflammation. Also for providing relief from the side effects of Cancer, Cancer treatments, Chemo and Radiation. Aids in the killing of Cancer Cells. Once you have a clean bill of health from your doctor, switch to the Indica 4:1 at night to prevent the growth of new Cancer cells.

    Ingredients: Full Spectrum Indica Extract, Organic Coconut Oil* as the Carrier Oil
    250 mg / 250 mg - 30 ml
    Approx. per Drop: 0.4 mg / 0.4 mg
    *in Winter months a small amount of Organic Olive Oil is mixed with Coconut Oil, as full Coconut Oil will solidify faster when chilled.

    First time users, begin with a Starting Dose of 2 drops. After a few days increase to 4-6 drops per dose OR as needed. You will determine this by doing a Self-Check.

    • Dosage Option 1: Before Bed for better and deeper rest to help recovery.
    • Dosage Option 2: For day use in small doses when rest and recovery is needed to deal with side effects of Cancer Treatments or Surgeries (Chemo, Radiation)

    From this point, it is mostly about your Self-Check. Only you know how you are feeling and can decide to increase, decrease, or adjust the time of day as necessary.

    Please see our Dosage Guide for a list of specific conditions and their suggested dosage.

    Remember that natural medicine is all about personal choice, personal dose, personal reactions and personal needs. These are our general suggestions, everyone is different. If you feel great after your morning dose and don’t feel a need for an early afternoon dose, then wait and just take a late afternoon dose.

  • PURE CBD Isolate / no THC

    Clients Nervous about or Hypersensitive to THC You may work with industry that have drug test, Pure CBD no THC is the best in these cases. Research also suggests that CBD can help to regulate REM sleep, can help those suffering from addiction, alleviate anxiety and depression, and reduces blood pressure.

    Regular dose is:

    • 10 mg: 12 drops
    • 15 mg: 18 drops
    • 20 mg: 24 drops

    2 to 3 times a day. This will be all about how you are feeling and doing your Self Checks 30 minutes after you take your dose. Each drop has .84mg of Pure CBD

    How to use:

    Oils: Hold under tongue for 3-5 minutes, the longer the better

    Personal dosage adjustment:

    After taking the drops for a few months, your system adjusts and it is normal to have to increase.

    How to do a Self Check-In:

    Thirty minutes after taking your dose, sit and take deep breath. Ask yourself “How is my (reason for taking CBD)?” and increase dosage as needed. Remember: only you know how you are feeling and can decide to increase, decrease, or adjust the time of dosage as necessary.

    Amount of drops per bottle:

    The approximate amount of drops per bottle are
    30 ml 600 drops
    50 ml 1000 drops

    Will I still get the Entourage Effect?

    The entourage effect refers to the idea that multiple compounds, in this case, cannabinoids, act more effectively when combined with THC rather than isolated CBD.
    When combined, cannabinoids used in conjunction help the body to fully process the cannabinoid’s benefits.
    Pure CBD Isolate will still help as you are combining all the CBDs and Terpenes of the Whole Plant.

  • Organic Healing Cream & Lip Balm

    • Best for those hypersensitive to THC, pregnant or breastfeeding
    • Pain Relieving
    • Great for Skin Problems (Eczema, Psoriasis, Bug Bites, Rashes, Burns, Moles, etc)

    How to use:

    Rub on affected area as much or as often as needed.


    Great for relief from Pains in Joints and Muscles, abdominal pains and cramps with PMS.
    All Skin Conditions such as Eczema and Psoriasis.
    Because the Creams are topical and do not have Psychoactive Effect you can use as much as you want or need.


    • Beeswax
    • Geranium Essential Oil
    • Cannabis Extract
    • Cocoa Butter
    • Organic Coconut Oil
  • Organic Healing Salsa Product & Dosage Guide

    • Great for Pain and Relaxation
    • Mix in with Salad Dressings, enjoy on tacos, quesadillas, etc. Be creative!
    • Contains 10ml of Sativa 4:1 oil in 100ml Jar

    How to use:

    One teaspoon to a tablespoon per dose is recommended.
    Wait 30-40 minutes to feel the effects which will last 2-4 hours.


    • Olive Oil
    • Chile Guajillo
    • Chile Morita
    • Chile de Arbol
    • Cannabis Extract
    • Garlic

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